cheesy ZAMN knock off.
I clicked this wanting to play ZAMN, with the 2 player screen and everything,
This was just 'cheesy zombie webgame' , with pseudo anime stylings, and things stolen from other games.
All the enemies spawn too far apart, the weapons aren't very creative or don't work, and there's no weap strength. I can't use any 'multihit-weaps' if none of the zombies spawn, for example.
This was alright for like 3 minutes, and I rejected all your 'friends' , so I dont know why that feature is in there.
The original ZAMN wasn't even that good; it looked awful. Your character had this 'strut'; he 'animated' when hit; you saved cariciatures of your neighbors; It didn't take itself seriously. This game's artwork struggled to convey anything ; these were lifeless anime vessels throwing cheap vinyl records.
The music isn't bad, the artwork needs work. This game is interchangable with a billion other webgames, and plays like 'crappy' turrent defense. This isn't a ZAMN clone because it isn't ZAMN and lacks all kinds of charm.
I hope the 'woman' who drew art for this game, goes back to earning ' the real bucks' behind her webcam, or the 'creepy old guy' learns to stop drawing like a little girl !!!!!!!!!!